Wednesday 29 October 2014

WILL YOU EVER RETIRE?- Odunze Reginald

Image result for pension pictures 
Image credited to google pension images
I once asked a renowned professor of medicine, who retired from one of the prominent university in Nigeria, about life after Retirement, and he told me that he was surprise to received his Lump sum barely within one month. I do not intend to mention the PFA involved because I do not want to do  a soft sell advertising for the concerned PFA.
But he went on to say that he still pick up a contract job with the university along side his private flourishing medical practice, continuing he stated that one of the legacy General Olusegun Obasonjo bequeath  for the working population  is the Pension Reform Act 2004 now Pension Reform Act 2014. And so if your retired professor of medicine, a visiting professor to college of medicine in a university in West Indies, and a medical director of a private could not retire, it all means a lot working after retirement.
In our discussion, we shall be more interested on the issue of life after retirement, rather than on the legacy of the pension reform act, that will better for another day.
And according to Walter Updegrave in an article captioned “ Three Little mistakes that can sink your retirement,  which appeared in Yahoo Finance it states that “It’s almost become a cliché. Virtually every survey asking pre-retirees what they plan to do in retirement shows that the overwhelming majority plan to work.
 Indeed, a recent Merrill Lynch survey found that nearly three out of four people over 50 said their ideal retirement would include working. Which is fine. Staying connected to the work world in some way can not only offer financial benefits, it can also keep retirees more active and socially engaged”
But what account for people not retiring at the point of their retirement, there are so many factors why people do not retire, and they are as follow:
Doing what they love most
Not saving enough
The desire of the organization, they working for not willing to let them go because of their dedication, experience and technical knowhow.
The inability of the organization to find a suitable successor 
Medical reason
Not able to have a house after retirement

Working after a retirement has been found to be socially acceptable and also provides additional finance during old age, but old age comes with different ailment and a rising cost of medical bills. But will working during retirement aggravate the medical condition of retirees? Medical Analyst are of the view that working during age tend to reduce  the instances of  old age diseases as most retirees have issue of medical problems while staying idle.

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