Monday 22 June 2015

Pension Management and Retirement-Odunze Reginald C

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The origin of pension’s dates back to ancient time, the Holy Bible in the book of Numbers 8 vs. 25, stated “but at the age of fifty, they must retire from the regular service and work no longer” and according to King James version, it states” And from the age of fifty years  they shall ceased waiting upon the service thereof and shall serve no more”
Why then do people view retirement as a wreck, the reason is that they have not save enough to cater for retirement during old age. There is a strong connection between planning, enough pension pot and happy retirement.
And according to Robert Kiyosaki, in his book Rich dad, poor dad, he noted that “people work for two reasons, to save for retirement and to make lots of money” Continuing Kiyosaki noted that “an individual’s reality is the boundary between faith and self confidence, and a person’s financial reality will not clear until he or she go beyond the fears and doubts of his or her own self imposed limits. Those self imposed limits are what limits the retiree from enjoying a happy an successful retirement.

According to Donna Rosato in an article captioned “5 secrets to a happy retirement-“noted that “Busy retirees tend to be happier. But just how active do you have to be? Moss has put a number on it. He found that the happiest retirees engage in three to four activities regularly; the least happy, only one or two. “The happy retiree group had extraordinarily busy schedules,” he says. “I call it hobbies on steroids.”
Rosato (op cited) noted that “For the biggest boost to your happiness, pick a hobby that’s social. The top pursuits of the happiest retirees include volunteering, travel, and golf; for the unhappiest, they’re reading, hunting, fishing, and writing. “The happiest people don’t do things in isolation,” says Moss. That’s no surprise when you consider that people 65 and older get far more enjoyment out of socializing than younger people do.”

So what should do during old age as it regards investment and business as majority of the retirees are interested in working and making more money, thereby creating wealth.  And according to Walter Updegrave in an article captioned “ Three Little mistakes that can sink your retirement,  which appeared in Yahoo Finance it states that “It’s almost become a clichĂ©. Virtually every survey asking pre-retirees what they plan to do in retirement shows that the overwhelming majority plan to work.
 Indeed, a recent Merrill Lynch survey found that nearly three out of four people over 50 said their ideal retirement would include working. Which is fine. Staying connected to the work world in some way can not only offer financial benefits, it can also keep retirees more active and socially engaged

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