Friday 24 July 2015

Retirees Get far Enjoyment out of socializing - Odunze Reginald C

 Image credited to espanational

According to Donna Rosato in an article captioned “5 secrets to a happy retirement-“noted that “Busy retirees tend to be happier. But just how active do you have to be? Moss has put a number on it. He found that the happiest retirees engage in three to four activities regularly; the least happy, only one or two. “The happy retiree group had extraordinarily busy schedules,” he says. “I call it hobbies on steroids.”

Rosato (op cited) noted that “For the biggest boost to your happiness, pick a hobby that’s social. The top pursuits of the happiest retirees include volunteering, travel, and golf; for the unhappiest, they’re reading, hunting, fishing, and writing. “The happiest people don’t do things in isolation,” says Moss.

The top pursuits of the happiest retirees are very expensive and requires huge money in financing it. Volunteering travel and golf are all expensive pursuits and requires great inputs in terms of time, planning and money.

Continuing Moss opined “that’s no surprise when you consider that people 65 and older get far more enjoyments out of socializing than younger people do.” But the cultural influence, low pension pot has adversely affected retirees in Africa and Nigeria in particular in enjoying socialization.

The whites understood that, and that is why they have old people homes, but with the recent innovation and the setting up an old people’s home in Lekki, I think that will be appreciated by most people in Lagos. I do not intend to mention or talk about it because, I do not want do a soft advert for such people, but it is a good development.

But the issues with it is that of cultural acceptance, as most people will say that abandoning your old people in old people’s home is a mark of hatred and irresponsibility, remember that a former Nigerian President, once stated that any of his children that has such idea of sending him to old people’s home will not live a better life.

Odunze Reginald is the Lead Consultant, Chareg Consulting, a social media consultant and social marketing consultant , you can visit our twitter anchor @regydunze, find us on Facebook @ Reginald odunze and, at google+ @ Reginald Odunze and at Linkedin@reginald odunze.

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