Monday 17 August 2015

Does Retirement Matters to you ? - Odunze Reginald C

Image credited to Telegraph

The origin of pension’s dates back to ancient time, the Holy Bible in the book of Numbers 8 vs. 25, stated “but at the age of fifty, they must retire from the regular service and work no longer” and according to King James version, it states” And from the age of fifty years they shall ceased waiting upon the service thereof and shall serve no more”
Why then do people view retirement as a wreck, the reason is that they have not save enough to cater for retirement during old age. There is a strong connection between planning, enough pension pot or enough retirement savings account balance and happy retirement.
Tol stoy stated that “the most unexpected thing that happens to us is old age” why then do Stoy view old age as the most unexpected thing?  His views are similar to others but he was more vocal about it,
Under normal condition, old age should have been expected but people do not know that time flies and that is why old age becomes unexpected. And Kiyosaki stated that “ Boldness has genius , power and magic in it , people who play it safe lose out on the best education in the world and waste a lot of precious time” Time  is the most valuable assets especially as you get older.
Therefore as time is not our friend it behooves on us to plan effectively for our lives and future right from the young age and so be passionate about it.
One you should be able to have a passion and according to Kiyosaki, he noted “that without passion, the best business, the best plan and the best people will not become successful.”
Managing old age and retirement has everything to do with passion, as passion is the driving force in all aspects of life, all dies if there is no passion.
One thing is to have desire and another is to have the ability but the greatest is to have passion, passion with imagination can drive you at a rate you will definitely marvel as Albert Einstein noted that “imagination is more important than knowledge.”
Therefore, one of the key to managing old age is that of positive imagination that all be well no matter the situation, you will definitely find yourself in that situation. And as Nicholas Murray Butler noted that “optimism is essential to achievement and it is also the foundation of courage and true progress”
Everything is lost without imagination, imagination is the driving force, it is the key to success and all happens due to imagination.

Odunze Reginald is the Lead Consultant, Chareg Consulting, a management and marketing  consultant, a social media and social marketing consultant , you can visit our twitter anchor @regydunze, find us on Facebook@ Reginald odunze and, at google+@ReginaldOdunze and at Linkedin@reginald odunze.

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