Thursday 25 August 2016

Main Street gets a nod from Hillary Clinton-Rick Newman

Here’s what bugs small-business owners the most: The thicket of government regulations they must wrestle with instead of actually running their businesses. A close second: Taxes that are too complex and take too large a bite out of revenue.
Hillary Clinton seems to have heard those complaints, and produced a plan to “make life easier for small business.” Clinton, a self-described detail wonk, has a plan for just about everything, and if elected president there’s no way every policy priority will see the light of day. But small business has been struggling and reinvigorating Main Street would aid the broader economy. “Maintaining the entrepreneurial dynamism of the American economy is critically important for the future growth rate of the nation,” says Austan Goolsbee of the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business, who was a top White House economist under President Obama and is an informal advisor to the Clinton campaign.
Clinton wants to streamline the rules that govern many small businesses, offer new tax breaks, let businesses choose a new standardized deduction instead of itemizing deductions, and make it easier to get loans. Those ideas dovetail pretty well with what businesses say they want, according to the National Federation of Independent Business:

Culled from yahoo

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