Charlie Hebdo beheads Theresa May and mocks London Bridge terror victims

Captioned ‘English multiculturalism,’ the prime minister proclaims ‘Too much is too much’ in what seems a reference to her ‘Enough is enough’ speech.
The ‘horrific’ magazine also mocks the victims of the London Bridge terror attacks, with many readers saying the satirical publication went too far with both drawings and their message.
‘Slimming advice from Isis,’ the caption reads alongside a picture of people running with Big Ben in the background, one of them still carrying his pint of beer.
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‘I remember supporting Charlie Hebdo during their attacks, only to be mocked by them for ours,’ Liam Connell wrote on Twitter.
The drawing of Theresa May was finished on the eve of the election, before the damaging result for the prime minister was known.
Charlie Hebdo has become notorious for posting racist and inflammatory cartoons, including one mocking the image of drowned Alan Kurdi.
It asked if he would have become a ‘groper’ if he had lived.
Many people were appalled by the drawings with one saying: ‘All sympathy for you is eroded.’
However, others defended the magazine saying that their aim was to exercise free speech even at its most offensive.
In January 2015, jihadist brothers Saïd and Chérif Kouachi forced their way into the magazine’s officers armed with assault rifles and shot dead as many employees they could after taking offence that they published an image of the prophet Mohammed.
Twelve people were killed and 11 others injured in the atrocity.
The magazine, targeted because it had printed an image of Mohammed, pictured the prophet again in the first issue after the attack.
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